Experienced what it's like to be partially deaf for 1 whole week when my right ear was stuck. It all came about due to an overzealous attempt to clean the ear which resulted in the cerumen being pushed further in towards my ear drum instead of being removed.
Lesson learnt: DON'T dig your ears. It is there for a purpose, which is to trap dust, particles and microorganisms & prevent them from colonizing our external ear.
So, I was partially deaf. It is quite frustrating when I can't hear clearly what people are saying (like an old uncle), having to turn to the other functioning ear all the time, having a feeling of it being stuck & constantly trying to remove it, and having to listen to my own voice (not that i hate my voice). The good thing about the entire ordeal is that I'm amazed again at this beautiful instrument that God created. Imagine a world without ears: Think no iPods, radio, mobile phones, movies without sound effects, no nagging from parents (wait, the last one shouldn't be in the list)... but you get the idea, it would be a less musical world! And the way that it conducts sound to the inner ear and changes it to nerve signals so that we can interpret the diversity of different sounds is just so harmonious. Thank God for our ears.
On another note, I'm going to Hollywood!
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